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Wings was always a difficult idea.

                                                             In the Beatles, we had always said

                                                             that any group having to follow our success

                                                             would have a hard job. With Wings, I found myself in that very






                                                             However, it was a choice between

                                                             going on or finishing, and I loved music too much to

                                                             think of stopping. So eventually Linda and I had the idea

                                                            of forming a simple little band that would allow us to continue

                                                            making music.





                                                            At first - having known the great

                                                            achievements of the Beatles - it was quite a struggle.

                                                            Everything we did seemed to be measured against them,

                                                            so even if we had successes they felt sometimes like

                                                            relative failures. I realize now that we did amazingly well

                                                            to keep our heads above water and keep going. As this

                                                            book shows, we eventually won through, made some

                                                            cool music, enjoyed great times and had fans who, to this

                                                            day, remember Wings with more affection than even the Beatles.


                               This book tells the story.

                                                               Paul McCartney




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