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Кавер-версии песен Пола Маккартни


"LISTEN to WHAT the MAN SAID" Popular artists pay tribute to the music of Paul McCartney


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1. OWSLEY Band on the Run

My earliest recollections of music were the sounds of the Beatle records my mother would play, in the late '60 in our home in Anniston, Alabama. By the time I was old enough to know what was going on, the Beatles had broken up. And I, like other kids, listened to pop-radio, and heard all of the bands that The Fab Four had influenced, like Badfinger, ELO,  and well, everyone.

During the summer of '74, I remember running around the local swimming pool while a sunbather had her AM radio blasting "Band on the Run". It totally blew me away. Time stood still. And I think it was at that moment, that I knew what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. It marked me the deepest. After all of these years, to find out that Paul and Wings were under considerable duress while recording this masterpiece, truly shows that great things can come from hard time and sacrifice. Learning this has made it an even bigger influence on me. From that point on, I studied all of Paul's work.

When I was asked to be a part of this tribute, I immediately thought that I wanted to record "Band on the Run", but assumed it would have been taken by another artist. Thankfully it had not!

We recorded and mixed it in 22 hours straight. It was absolutely the most fun! I intially wavered on the production between making it my own, or paying homage. I went with the latter. It's really hard to mess with perfection.

© 2000 Warner Brothers Records, Inc.

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2. SR - 71 My Brave Face

The first time I remember  hearing Paul McCartney I was about two. My father loved Band on the Run and would play that record over and over. By the time I could have a conversation, I already knew the words to all the songs on the album. In fact, I was one of those idiotic kids who was dumbfounded to find out that Paul McCartney was in a band before Wings. The first Beatles tunes I ver heard were "Yesterday" and "We Can Work It Out". I was hooked for life. Paul McCartney is the reason I am a songwriter. One day I hope to write my "Yesterday". When SR - 71 got together, we never strayed from the work ethic The Beatles set back in the clubs of Hamburg. Playing every night of the week and writing songs with all of our spare time. Jeff,  Mark and John all feel as I do... without Paul McCartney there would not have been SR - 71... thank you.

© 2001 RCA Records

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3. Kevin Hearn & Steven Page of Barenaked Ladies, Stephen Duffy of Lilac Time Junk

In 1996, Barenaked Ladies were playing at the Phoenix festival in England. The headliner that night on the main stage was one of our heroes, Neil Young. A couple of us did our best to get back behind the main stage, perhaps to catch a glimpse of Neil and Crazy Horse as they walked on stage.

We ended up sneaking up on to the side of the stage, and who was standing there watching the show with us but Paul and Linda McCartney and their kids.

I stood there, surrounded by my rock and roll heroes, wondering how I could ever express to Paul McCartney exactly how much he meant to me. I wanted to tell him that I was in a band and that I do what I do only because he did what he did. I figured that he must hear it from everybody, and instead wechitchatted about Neil's guitar solos, and although he must have guessed I was a musician, I wasn't going to bring it up with him. But I guess now it can be told: We do what we do because he does what he does.

 © 2000 Reprise Records



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 4. Semisonic Jet

For Semisonic, McCartney is less like an influence and more like the air we breathe. I think we couldn't anymore choose to be a fan of his than we could choose to need oxygen. Those melodies, that voice, and imprinted on our brains somewhere near the deepest part. His sence of melody is for me anyway the standard of beauty, and he rocks, more than you remember until you listen to the songs. When I'm writing, I'm sure McCartney's looming in the back of my mind. How did he manage that amazing combination of finesse and throwaway? And the bass. I can remember hours in the studio with John Munson playing an old Hofner bass and the three of us reveling that we even came close to that McCartney sound. The first time I heard "Jet", I was a child and I think it was before I really discovered the Beatles and I was completely amazed by the song. At that time it defined pop for me. Later I started to wonder "What is that song about, anyway?" Maybe the lyrics are the throwaway part, I'll never know, but the way it all fits together is just about perfect.

 © 2001 MCA Records




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 5. The Merrymakers No More Lonely Nights

Obviously, there are lots of brilliant songs to choose from on McCartney's albums. The choice wasn't made any easier by the fact that we wanted to do a song that was not only brilliant, but also a song which we felt we could contribute something to in order to make it - in our world - better. Because if we  weren't going to make it better, or at least different, then what's the point of doing a cover version? We looked around for a while and there it was, sraight from the sweet days of being fourteen - "No More Lonely Nights". We wanted to mess around with it just as if it were our own song, so we decided not to listen the original version. We just set back to see where the chords and the melody would take us. And here we are.

 © 2000 Monogram Recordings AB

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6. Robyn Hitchcock Let Me Roll It

"Let me Roll It" is a dramatic, ominous song that glides efortlessly between folk, metal and R 'n B. Paul McCartney captures the thrill and terror of falling in love, and manages a nod to Lennon in the electrifying guitar riffs. The song also appears to be in two keys... great melody and focused lyrics. I'll give it "5", Paul!

 © 2001 Robyn Hitchcock






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7. The Finn Brothers Too Many People

I fell in love with the Beatles and let them change my world. Falling in love tends to do that, and Paul and Linda's love story was one of our times. The music that flowed from it deserves revisiting. Neil and I enjoyed this tune for its quirky joyfulness. Along with Buddy Miles and Levon Helm, Paul McCartney is one of my favourite singing drummers, and doing this was a chance to beat the skins to one of his grooves. We were honoured to be asked.

 © 2000 Parlophone Records/Tim Finn






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8. The Minus Five Dear Friend

When I was a kid my friend Gary and I use to have a big argument over who was better, John or Paul. As if mattered! I took Paul's side but it was all in good fun. We waited at a record store for the truck to show up with Ram and bought the first copies out of the box. Worshipped that record, still do. Then Wildlife came out and sort of confused me. "Bip Bop" and "Mumbo"? But the rawness of that album has weathered well. "Dear Friend" is sort of a hidden gem - I've always heard it as Paul's mature and weary reply to John's malignant, bitchy "How Do You Sleep?". I love the way it starts so simply and keeps building and changing over the same repeating chord sequence. I think it's a beautiful song, straight from the heart, and one that more people should know. But then, some people never know...

  © 2001 Mammoth Records

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 9. Matthew Sweet Every Night

I always liked Paul's first solo record, especilly the sound of it. It was interesting to hear on the Wingspan documentary how he recorded it by "direct injection" (mics straight in the machine), and to see the photos of the huge four track he hadat home.

I grew up making four track recordings on a cassette four track, so I enjoy hearing recordings where one person plays a lot of the parts. It just had a fresh homespun approach, and I tried to keep my mind of "Every Night" in that same intimate realm that the original inhabited.

  © 2001 Matthew Sweet






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 10. Sloan Waterfalls

I choose to trackle "Waterfalls" from McCartney II because the original recording was so beautifully simple and sparse that there was potential to widen the scope into a full band arrangement and add harmonies, etc. It would have been more intimidating to try and copy any of his great Wings full band recordings... the originals were so great anyhow!

You really begin to appreciate what a truly great singer Sir Paul is when you try to cover one of his songs. Apologies ahead of time for any cracked notes.

  © 2001 Two Minutes for Music Ltd.


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 11. World Party Man We Was Lonely

Once upon a time in North Wales there was a little a little lad who heard a group on the radio called "Beatles". Daftie, Roger, Alf and Starkers. They got too famous because everyone went mad when the big war was over, even thuogh there were still little wars going on. They tried giving piece a chance but it was no good, they just had to make a racket. This track was on Paul's first solo racket. Like a lot of other things, he did it with his wife. This is probably not the best one on there but we done it for you anyway and it goes like this now. I got Dave to help me and Tristan probably did too. Alright, take care, I'm off to me Aunties house for a cream bun and a slice of Buddy Holly cake.

 © 2001 Seaview Records





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12. John Faye Coming Up

What could I possibly say about Paul McCartney's influence on me as a songwriter, or a singer, for that matter? His geniuse is so fundamentally ingrained in the DNA of any pop song worth its salt, and in the way such songs are sung, that to try and describe it becomes an exercise in futility! We chose to record "Coming Up", from 1980's McCartney II, first because we all like its optimistic viewpoint (being a group of extremely BITTER people ourselves) and it also afforded us a certain degree of creative license that would have been rather blasphemous in attempting one of his more widely-recognized "classics".

I think we did it justice, and hopefully, gave it a somewhat interesting twist.

 © 2000 John Faye




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13. Virgos Maybe I'm Amazed

"Maybe I'm Amazed" just so happens to be my favorite McCartney song (post Beatles). It has always come across to me as a song that was written with one incredible intention. It just seemed like all he wanted out of that song was to let Linda know how he felt about their incredible history and the love that they shared. They truly had an amazing story. I know that being in a healthy marrage and being  in the business of rock and roll don't go always in hand and hand. I think it always a lot that he gives her the credit she deserves for sticking with him through it all. I guess I borrow that song for the same purpose with my relationship with my wife. The song is also so perfectly arranged. It doesn't follow the usual pop song guidelines that most songs do, either. I love the fact that he puts the first two choruses back to back, separated only by one of the most memorable guitar melodies ever to be written. In my eyes, it seems like he didn't care if that song was a hit, made any money, or if anyone else liked it for tha matter.

It goes without saying that Paul McCartney is one of the undisputed kings of rock and roll, and my favorite melody writer of all time. I am truly amazed, though that someone that is so revered for the art can be one of the most genuine class acts of all time, are true fans of the The Man, Paul McCartney.

 © 2001 Atlantic Records

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14. Judybats Love In Song

On being contacted regarding the tribute, I obtained several of the Paul McCartney as well as Wings CDs. On hearing "Love In Song" I was immidiately seduced by the tune's infectiously lonesome tone.

Having made love to many a person via song, I identify strongly with all such sentiment. In my head I heard the tune boiled down to what appears on the Tribute - a minimalistic version sans backup vocals and istrumentation, a single plaintive voice over guitars and percussion - and was able (a rarity) to achieve this with the very talented fellows with whom I am now working.

The band, once in the studio, found its voice in the first take. Myself, I sang once, in the dark, over my scratch track, leaving the lead as it is heard here. A good time, a moody and serene version which hugs itself ever tightly as does the origial. Thanks, Paul.

 © 2000 Judybats





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15. Linus In Hollywood Warm And Beautiful

It probably comes as no surprise to those who are familiar with my music that Paul McCartney is a huge influence. It is certanly an honor to pay tribute to him, and especialy to do it alongside many othar artists who, like Paul, have inspired and/or influenced my music. I chose "Warm And Beautiful" because the melody is so simple yet so timeless... like so many of Paul's songs. Anyone who writes songs knows that this can be the most difficult balance to achieve, yet he does it effortaining the idea of covering one of two songs from Ram that I really dig - "The Back Seat Of My Car" or "Dear Boy", although I couldn't imagine doing them any differently then he did. "Warm And Beautiful" seemed to lend itself to the vocals - only arrangement that ended up being my tribute.

Thanks so much for the music, Paul!

 © 2001 Franklin Castle Recordings





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16. They Might Be Giants Ram On

I was always a huge fan of the first couple of McCartney solo albums in part because, like the Stevie Wonder albums of the same era, they were great examples of the intensity of homemade recordings. You can hear a lot of the experimentation and discovery right in the tracks, and that makes the recordings a kind of event in themselves. McCartney's "Ram On" is an especially nice example. It seems to have started as a scetch with ukelele and voice and then been built up with overdubs into an uniforgettable song.

It is daunting to try to reinterpret any McCartney song, but it's especially so whan it is such a spirited track. Our version of "Ram On" is essentially an instrumental "dub" arrangement. We recorded our band playing the track, which features a remarkably out of tune upright piano, with Casio keyboard and an accordion trading the melody line. We then took that recording and mixed it with NY producers The Elegant Too who helped us create the wide variety of echos that constantly threaten to take over the track.

 © 2001 TMB Productions



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Список некоторых кавер-версий песен Пола Маккартни:


3 Legs

Snooks Eaglin

Another Day

Dave Matthews Band

Band On The Run


Band On The Run

Langley Schools Music Project

Come And Get It


Dear Friend

Minus Five

Every Night

Billy Joe Royal

Every Night

Matthew Sweet

Every Night

Richie Havens

Every Night

Marilyn McCoo & Billy Davis Jr.

Every Night

5th Dimension

Every Night

Nissan Cederics

Every Night

Phoebe Snow


Michael Jackson

Heart Of The Country

Snooks Eaglin

Helen Wheels


Hope Of Deliverence

East 17




1000 Mona Lisas


Big Dipper






Material Issue

Junior's Farm

Galactic Cowboys

Junior's Farm

Lee Harvey Oswald Band


Barenaked Ladies


John Denver


Cilla Black

Let 'Em In


Let Me Roll It

Grapes Of Wrath

Let Me Roll It

Blake Babies

Let Me Roll It

Robyn Hitchcock

Live And Let Die

Guns N' Roses

Live And Let Die

Hank Marvin

Live And Let Die


Live And Let Die

Sex Mob

Live And Let Die

Daniel Johnston

Live And Let Die

Paisley Wheelchair Experience

Live And Let Die

76% Uncertain

Live And Let Die

Lizzy Borden

Live And Let Die


Love In Song


Maybe I'm Amazed

Joe Cocker

Maybe I'm Amazed


Maybe I'm Amazed

Carleen Anderson

Maybe I'm Amazed


Maybe I'm Amazed

Cyndi Lauper & Ann Wilson

Maybe I'm Amazed


Maybe I'm Amazed


Maybe I'm Amazed

Bryan Duncan

Mull Of Kintyre

Andy Stewart

Mull Of Kintyre

Nolan Sisters

My Brave Face


My Love

Ken Boothe

My Love

Nancy Wilson

My Love

Ten Feet

My Love


My Love


My Love


Ram On

They Might Be Giants

Rockestra Theme

Duane Eddy

Silly Love Songs


Silly Love Songs


Silly Love Songs

Red House Painters

Smile Away

Snooks Eaglin

So Bad

Lindsay Pagano


Phil Keaggy

That Would Be Something

Grateful Dead

That Would Be Something

Jerry Garcia Band


David Cassidy

Too Many People

Finn Brothers

Warm And Beautiful

Elvis Costello



Wild Life


With A Little Luck

Twilight Orchestra

Wonderful Christmastime

Preluders & Overground




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